Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nuthatch and Chickadee

Squalls, bright sunshine followed by more driving rain and then a rainbow.  Three more kids born today.  The kids are so flashy this year.  I promise, the next post will be photos of kids... it just wasn't nice enough to take pictures today.

David is not just a great photographer, he's a wonderful Goatmeister too.  He tells market customers all about how we have to be practical and dispassionately focus on the production and worth of the animals... when in reality he's so careful and caring of them.  I go out to the barn in bad weather and see that every goat has a warm dry place out of the rain, every goat has dry places to cozy down and paths to walk out of the mud on straw he lays down for them.  All the water barrels are scrubbed and full of fresh, clean water.  There is hay in every feeder which he hardly ever lets get low unless he's trying to get them to be less finnicky about the picked over stuff at the bottom of the feeder.  The middle stall, converted to grain and tool storage, pretty well organized except for the bags and bags full of baling twine he collects.  All the feed pans emptied and stacked after each little group gets their grain, minerals and salt... clean and ready for the next day.... Even the barn kitties get fed every day, each in their own bowl, separated so they don't have to compete...  the gates made from stock panels might look like Pa Kettle made them, but every latch has a snap clip that has had it's innards sprayed with WD40 before use, and every gate swings freely and closes securely.  I make sure he has the bales of hay, the grain, the cat food, the stock panels, the clips and the WD40, but he's the one that makes it all work.  The goats are happy.

In his free time, David likes to photograph the birds at the feeders he keeps full.

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